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New 2 Lanes
why widen
Improved 2/4 Lanes
Widen to 4 Lanes
New school and a lot of new houses We need a wider street
New 4 Lanes
We need more alternatives to 27.
An alternative to the Hwy 27 exit ramp is sorely needed.
Widen to 10 Lanes (Express Lanes)
Badly needed work that will relieve the congestion.
How can we increase public/mass transportation on I4?
We need rail and transit. Widening the road won’t solve our problems for long; be proactive. Plan for better public transit with regular and quick intervals. Light rail would be excellent.
There's more pressing locations like hwy 33 south from Polk City, lowering speed limits and installing traffic control devices.
I think this project is very much needed. Lots of traffic on that road and I use it a lot. Thanks.
This is very necessary due to increased traffic. New housing in the area is creating more traffic as population grows.
This project is greatly needed to relieve 30th Street traffic.
The segment from Hinson Ave. to CR 544 is greatly needed to relieve 30th Street traffic.
Dont speed up traffic instead slow it down, we're having lots of accidents or close calls north of that location towards Polk City. South bound 33 from Polk City needs turn lanes, there needs to be a light at Old Polk City rd and 33 plus at Mount Olive and 33.
This project is needed as soon as possible.
A good idea except that it is hard enough to get in and out of our development now (Lucerne Lakeside). Also need to change the blinking light to a regular light for trucks.
I am concerned about traffic. It is already quite difficult to get in and out of my subdivision
Needed. Traffic lights may be needed as well.
Absolutely needed. Road parallel to 542 and 540 is a must for East/West transportation.
Yes! As quickly as possible.
Each time the City of Winter Haven approves new construction along the Thompson Nursery corridor, it multiplies the congestion already visible on this road. Fire Station #3, at the corner of Thompson Nursery and West Lake Ruby Dr., could be hampered by traffic on this two lane road. The county has designated this as “high priority” with no funding available. What do we do now?
Yes! Please! This is a heavily traveled road with two big complexes emptying cars to it constantly (Lake Ashton & Traditions). For everyone's safety, please, please make it four lanes.
This road is really in need of road widening. I can't even get out of my subdivision during school rush hours
Don't encourage more traffic on 17/92!
It is needed
Please get rid of the bottleneck caused by the old railroad bridge!
Widen to 6 Lanes
yes, this section needs more lanes during part of the day, so widening would be a great idea WITHOUT bike and pedestrian lanes
There is absolutely no need to widen this road and this would destroy more vegetation and wildlife and property and there is never enough traffic along here to justify widening.
Capacity Improvements TBD
In addition to widening this section of US 92, please add center turning lanes for heavy traffic areas and right turn lanes. Special consideration should be given to the traffic turning into the Silver Moon Drive-In. The Drive-In traffic gets very heavy with many cars blocking through traffic.
Already very busy, congested at times. The traffic will increase and require additional lanes.
With all the new development coming in on West Pipkin road towards County Line Road, this road expansion is sorely needed.
Not unless there are plans to develop Pipkin into 4 lanes heading east towards south florida
Interchange Reconstruction
Traffic Signal/Roundabout
Intersection Realignment
Intersection Improvement
Bridge Reconstruction
New 6 Lanes Freeway
big trucks use 98 to make a shortcut to/from I4 and 75...but u know that. Need 6 lanes north to rt 471 otherwise all u are doing is pushing the bottleneck a little farther north of its present location.
Realignment of Old Combee and Tenoroc Mine Roads
Please add bollards on CR 547 (east side of intersection) many drivers headed east form the intersection illegally turn left into the Racetrac gas station causing fender bender accidents. This is an inexpensive fix that will reduce accidents quickly.
Complete Street
Great choice for complete street! This road is used heavily by motorists & pedestrians/bicyclists need it to be built safely for them!
Reduce to 2 Lanes
This is a much needed improvement.
This is a great way to invest in an underserved community!
Bus Route 1887
Bus Route 1893
Bus Route 1885
Bus Route 1881
More stops badly needed on South Florida Avenue. A temporarily handicapped person who cannot drive would have too long a walk unless living or shopping close to a bus stop.
Bus Route 1886
Bus Route 1882
Bus Route 1884
Bus Route 1897
Bus Route 1888
Bus Route 1880
Bus Route 1895
Bus Route 1894
Bus Route 1875
Bus Route 1507
Bus Route
Bus Route 1505
Express Service
High Priority Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects
Having been struck by a car in a crosswalk and being an active Polk County citizen, it is imperative to provide safe bike and pedestrian paths in all areas of Polk County.
Please consider sidewalk along Reynolds Road from US 92 to SR 540
The opportunity to have input is appreciated.
I do not support bike lanes on US 27. Is this a side path improvement?
With this interchange/intersection requiring complete reconstruction I am not in favor of bike/ped improvements on the structure itself. If pedestrians and bicyclists could be directed off SR 60 to a parallel roadway, that would be safer.
yes, it is needed here as there are homes and communities along the roadway. BUT, the bike pedestrian lanes need to be set back off highway so as not to be a distraction to high speed cars and trucks
yes in favor as there are homes along this section
I'm in favor of this project
I can't seem to find exactly what this project entails but Clubhouse Rd. is in need of more than just sidewalks. Improvements at intersections, like the one in the photo at Andros and Summerland Hills might be a candidate for a roundabout. Safety concerns when vehicles are stopped to turn left and cars use the right turn lane to pass to avoid waiting for the car to turn left. Speed management is needed. The speed feedback signs do not work. The RRFB to the west of this photo at Tillery Rd. isn't visible enough during daylight hours. Maybe add a raised crosswalk with enhanced pavement markings to draw attention to drivers and slow speeds. Newly installed sidewalks are great and fill in gaps, but sidewalks are narrow and there are a lot of bicyclists (recreational) using the sidewalk to bike to Fort Fraser Trail. More marked crossings and other intersections are in need of improvement. A full complete streets study would benefit this residential area!
Do not support bike/ped facilities on US 27. Is this a side path?
Sidewalks are desperately needed on Fort Meade Rd from Dollar General and towards Frostproof downtown, not on highway 27.
I am south of where this project line ends; I think it needs to extend. There are so many people who shop at dollar general and there isn’t good transit nearby and biking is dangerous. Please consider connecting more of Bartow to this plan.
Recreation opportunities are good for economic development and the health of our citizens/visitors. Also would provide more safe bicycle commuter routes.
Pedestrian and bicycle traffic is heavy in this area. It is a poor area where foot traffic may be the only choice many times.
There is a need for a left turn traffic signal on Lakeland Hills Blvd. going north at the corner of E. Bella Vista
What is the improvement that is proposed here? This is not a good location for pedestrian crossing. Improvements at the intersection with Clubhouse are needed. The intersection is very wide for pedestrians to cross and with Fort Fraser Trail on the east side, a number of bicyclists and pedestrians are crossing here to access or exit the trail. There is also a trailhead a couple hundred feet to the south with a bus stop. Between the trail and the shopping center, this is not conducive to non-motorized modes. The right turn from US 98 S to Clubhouse Rd. should be under signal control. This is a dangerous conflict for pedestrians as vehicle are traveling fast, not watching for pedestrians, and they think they have the right of way. Rating this improvement as neutral because I don't know what is proposed.
Pedestrian and bicycle traffic in this area is heavy. I would love to utilize my bike more, but traffic is also heavy!
Very much needed all along CG BLVD from Publix to Hwy 27.
The sidewalk abruptly ends just before Sheffield Drive. Pedestrians would have to cross Duff Rd to continue on sidewalk. Duff Rd has a history of speeding and unattentive drivers...which could lead to death of pedestrians and cyclists.
Desperately needs a complete sidewalk for the safety of children and all pedestrians. High traffic area. The local park needs to be accessible to the community and there are some unsafe areas to walk through with no sidewalks. Please make this safe for our children
There are 6 housing projects along Duff, 98 N, Wilder, Banana...traffic has doubled. Banana has no sidewalks either. Kathleen north of Duff needs to be 4 lanes.
This is a much needed project for Inwood. Many walkers and bicyclist in that area. Sidewalks needed.
Would like information on what's being built. Is it pedestrian sidewalks?
Any improvement to this North area is warranted, we need help. Especially with code inforcement and wetland destruction!
Other priority corridors